Thursday, January 31, 2008

UL basketball...recent issue

I have been hearing a LOT of complaining going on by UL fans over recent losses to both Seton Hall and UConn.

Admittedly, both games UL has had more talent, and both games UL could have, and perhaps should have won. But the type of comments being made are sometimes pretty silly, and often just downright pathetic. And on both sides of the argument.

Some people saying that the kids are not talented, can't shoot, Pitino can't win close games, etc. While others say that Pitino is still one the best in the biz, and there is a lot of young, very good talent on this team that has suffered from lack of SR leadership due to injuries that have just started to get their games back.

Perhaps both are right. But neither argument has any real validity.

This is NCAA Basketball. NOT College football. Losing to teams that you can beat, and probably SHOULD beat, do not mean anything. The ONLY thing that matters is whether or not UL can win ENOUGH games to get invited to the NCAA tournament, where they would have a chance at winning the national championship.

Period. End of story.

(but not the end of diatribe blog entry...VBG)

Let's stop with all of the gnashing of teeth over whether "Sosa should have done this", "Palacios should have done that", "what Pitino could have done", "what T-Will should have done". Or why Padgett makes this team better and why Smith is a great 2 guard. NONE of that matters. NONE.

What DOES matter is that Louisville is sitting 15-6 (5-3) and plays in THE toughest basketball conference in the nation, but still has 10 games left to get at least 6 wins, and make both the BE and the NCAA post-season play. Losing a game here and there might hurt the Cards "seeding", but as long as they find a way to win at least 21 games, then they will have their chance. Unlike in football where 1 loss WILL drop a team out of the national title picture, a bad loss here and there for UL does nothing, except to give media-wonk critics something to write about to justify their so-called "expertise".

So, just cool down everyone, and let's see what happens now that we are in February. This is truly "crunch" time for the Cards, and they need to put it together for sure. But the season still has a LONG way to go.

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