Thursday, January 17, 2008

MLBPA and MLB execs again stonewalling...

Once again, here is the MLB being dragged up in front of congressional hearings to answer questions with regard to steroid and PED use in their sport.

Nothing new here.

The question is, will there be any new results? My answer. Not on your life.

MLB has absolutely NO desire to go after any of its star players who abused PED's, the owners who knew about it, or even the trainers and front office personnel who may have encouraged such abuse.

To reinforce that, look at the continued snipping that is going on between the MLBPA and the World Anti-Doping Agency, (WADA). The Mitchell report, reinforced and suggested once again that MLB would be BEST served by putting a non-MLB managed drug testing agency in charge of the MLB testing. But the MLBPA, and specifically Donald Fehr, will have NOTHING whatsoever to do with that suggestion. Which only goes to show to me that the MLBPA 100% SUPPORTS the use of steroids and other PED's in MLB. Because if they have not been part of the solution, which the Mitchell report says they have not been, then they will be damned if they will let anyone else be part of it.

It is my opinion and contention that MLB and the MLBPA do not WANT to stop steroid and PED abuse, because everyone from the MLB exec's to the owners to the players even down to the concessionaires have benefited from players using drugs. And the reason they have benefited is because as players have "juiced" up, so to have the fans increased. And obviously, more fans, more money. So there is NO incentive for them to stop using PEDs.

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