Monday, January 14, 2008

ENOUGH with the Pats bashing!

Ok, first off, I am not a New England Patriots fan. I actually am a fan of the Tampa Bay Buc's. But I have to admit I am getting sick and tired of all of the bashing that the Patriots have had handed to them this year, just because they are WINNING.

You may hate the team, but the NE Patriots have now equaled the greatest unbeaten single season team of all time, the Miami Dolphins. And it is time for all of the 'haters' to at least acknowledge just how good this team really is.

Every time the Pats have been challenged they have come out and answered the bell. They have won throwing the ball, playing power football, playing solid defensive, even some timely special teams plays.

If the Pats can win their next two games and become the Super Bowl champs, they will deserve the title of the "greatest team in NFL history", IMHO.

The question is, can they do it? Given their pretty dominating performance against a pretty good Jacksonville team, that had a very good game plan, I think they can. But would it not be fun to see a rematch of the last regular season game played between the Giant and the Pats, who really gave the Pats a SERIOUS challenge and almost ended that streak.

Could be a great super bowl this year. But even if that matchup does not take place, it will be great to be witness to a piece of sporting history if the Pats can win these next two games. Being witness to these events as a fan, does not come often, and we need to stop bashing the team because you dislike them, and appreciate what they have done for the sport.

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