Tuesday, January 29, 2008

One other MLB and PED comment

In case you missed this little item that was in the news last week.

Chuck Knoblauch, also accused in the Mitchell report of taking PED's during his career with the NY Yankees, was served a congressional subpoena last week for failing to respond to request to appear before the congressional subcommittee investigating the Mitchell report claims.

Knoblauch yesterday, has agreed to appear and testify before the committee yesterday. And Waxman, (chair of the committee), has withdrawn the subpoena.

But here is the best part, and if you are a baseball fan you will love this. Last week, during the MSNBC show Countdown, hosted by Keith Olbermann, had the best baseball joke line I have ever heard about this.

Olbermann, when referencing Knoblach's failure to respond to the committee summons, said this, "Perhaps it was not that Mr. Knoblauch has in any way intentionally refused to answer or reply to the committee. Instead, he probably received the request in the mail, promptly balled it up, and attempted to throw it to first base, sailing it into the stands and hitting my mother!"

Any baseball fan that watched Knoblauch play 2nd base for the Yankees knows just how funny that line is!

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