Tuesday, February 5, 2008

the REAL "super tuesday" event....

Sure the airwaves tonight will be full of media wonks going off about who won this primary or that caucus and giving us more information that is useless than last weeks build up to the super bowl.

But the REAL "Super Tuesday" event today is that this is the day that Roger Clemens will have his day in court....er...or should I say, day in congress.

Clemens is due today to give his deposition to a congressional hearing committee on charges of his using PED's during some of his years in MLB.

This comes one day on the heels of Andy Pettite's deposition which went almost completely unnoticed by the sports media world. And I still find it interesting that throughout all of this mess, Pettite, being the only one that has confessed to USING PED's, is just quietly flying under the radar of every media outlet and reporter. Funny that.

Let's hope that today though we get to hear something from Clemens other than 42 pages of statistics showing his ERA, strike out ratio, and game winning percentage. Clemens needs to address specific charges against him in specific ways. Even to the point of answering questions such as, "Why would McNamee lie about you, but not about Pettite?"

And let's hope the congressional hearing committee is not satisfied with sound bite answers.

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