Monday, February 4, 2008

History interrupted.....

As I have stated throughout the NFL playoffs, I am not a New England Patriots fan. But I am a little down this morning after watching the Pat's blow a late game lead and lose to the New York Giants last night in the Super Bowl.

Hat's off to the Giants. They had a stellar defensive game plan to stop the Pat's. And they did. But that still leaves me feeling a little cheated this morning, because I really wanted to see NFL and sports history made.

Like I noted last week, it also is a bit unfair to the Pat's, throughout everything they accomplished this season to end up 18-1, and that be considered a "failure" this morning.

Let's hope that the NE Patriot's, with their aging LB corps, and their group of overachieving playmakers, realize just how much they DID accomplish this season and just how dominate they were all season. Look at the following stats:

NFL records for:

Most touchdown passes in a single season

Most touchdown receptions in a single season

Highest scoring point total in NFL history for a single season

Only team EVER in NFL history to win 18 straight games in a single season

Only team in NFL history to reach 18-0 in single season

As a team, this was a dominating team to watch, and epitomized what the real definition of the word "team" meant.

On a night were a gutsy and completely gassed Giants defense, and bunch of young and unknown Giants offensive future stars made the plays they had to, to win; let's also give the Patriots an round of applause for giving us football fans a season to remember.

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