Monday, March 10, 2008

Winter sports fun...and an anecdote....

Over the weekend Louisville was hit with one of the BEST snowstorms we have had in quite a number of years. It was nothing short of a winter wonderland of fun all weekend as a result.

While many people just HATE that kind of weather, I personally love it...well, every now and then. I pretty much lived outside friday, saturday and sunday, playing the snow and getting every minutes enjoyment out of what will surely be the last significant snow of the season.

Hopefully, many of you enjoyed yourselves as well. I know that the parks were just full of people sledding, making snow sculptures and generally playing.

However, the one outdoor sport in this part of the country we hardly ever participant or hear anything of, because of our milder climate and low sea-level, is skiing. Something that while I enjoy, I pretty much suck at it.

So, in honor of the past 72 hours that I have been playing with the dog, having a snowball fight with the neighbor kids, and just all around enjoying the best snowfall we have had in years, let me share my worst skiing story.

I had just moved to Denver and had only skied 2 other times in my life. But the gang I hung with there took me out the very first weekend the slopes opened. Every year at the end of the season they give out the Big Banana award for the best, (read Worst), ski fall. The Big Banana was a 3 foot long stuffed banana. Well, I won it the very first day, because they said that NO ONE could top it. After 20 minutes on the Green Circle slopes, I stupidly decided I was ready for the Blue Circle. Remember this was only my 3rd time skiing. Everything was fine until....(how many bad things always start out with that line?).....I hit a little bump. All I remember from there out was waking up 2.5 hours later with a concussion. And a video tape that made me look like the guy from the ABC Wild World of sports falling off of the ski jump. Apparently, one of the guys thought ahead enough to bring his VHS recorder with him and captured the whole thing for posterity.

Watching myself, I looked like Charlie Brown taking a line drive up the middle. Ski's, hat's, shoes, and yes, EVEN MY SKI PANTS, came flying off as I bounced and tumbled down the hill at about a clip that would make Darrell Waltrip proud. I took out two evergreen saplings and a ski school class of 7 people made up of mostly 8-10 year olds that could ski better than I could any day. They went sprawling like bowling pins, knocking out the tow rope line. I came to rest, (as it were), by slamming into a bench that was sitting next to the tow line, proving than immovable object can stop an irresistible force. Especially if that force is unconcious and out of control.

Really, I can't make this stuff up. Needless to say, I was banned from returning to that ski slope.

One other note: The guys retired the big banana that year to me figuring that was one that should not ever be topped, and changed to the Big Bear award.....

1 comment:

Charles Springer said...

You're just big kid, Jeff.