Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Brohm getting raw deal?

I have seen and read a lot recently about Brian Brohm looking to slip way down in the first round NFL draft this upcoming April.

A lot of local media is suggesting that Brohm is getting the "Brady Quinn" or "Drew Brees" treatment from the NFL. But I am not so sure about that. Brohm preformed very well at the combine in Indianapolis recently, even running the 40 time much better than he ever had done previously.

So, why then is Brohm projected as slipping way down in the first round of the draft, and in one case one "draft pundit" has him not even being SELECTED in the first round?

I think it has a lot more to do with positional needs and talent by NFL teams, more than it does anything that Brohm has or has not done.

I certainly think Brohm is far better than any QB in the draft, and IMHO, is THE number 1 QB in this year's draft. And even though Matt Ryan has graded out higher than Brohm, I think Brohm's intangibles and field leadership is far and away better than Ryan's.

Even with that, I still think that the reason Brohm might not go in the top 20 of the NFL draft is more because of other needs by the teams selecting. Miami has the #1 pick this year. And their first and foremost need is at QB. They BADLY need a Brian Brohm type of QB to come in and take over immediately. But honestly, I do not think that Brohm would fit in there at Miami for the type of offense they are running. And I think that Miami will look at other QB options first.

Then you look at the next 9 teams and QB is just NOT their top priorities. The Rams have 3 good, (but not great), QB's to start next season, Atlanta has Herrington and Redman, and would like to have a great QB, but they have monster needs on the OL first. And that goes on all down the line until you get down to Carolina who picks 13th. They have a need for "franchise" QB, but are they going to pull the trigger on it?

One thing is for sure to me. I do not think there is anything like "black balling" going on with Brohm. I think it is just situational based on other needs by the NFL clubs. There is a LOT of youth in the NFL at the QB spots right now. You look up and down the rosters, and most NFL QB rosters in the 2-deep, (not the starters), have not been around more than 3-5 years. So, they are just now getting their NFL legs under them.

Brohm WILL have a very good NFL career. There is no doubt in my mind about that. And he will do that, regardless of whether he is picked 1st or 101st. And that is the real bottom line here.

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