Saturday, December 22, 2007

Speaking of FAU and Asst coaches

Can someone please explain to me WHY Jurich keeps always going "out west" hiring coaching staffs that have NO vested interest in UL, when there are very good coaches who lived and played in Louisville?

Why did TJ IMMEDIATELY without any hesitation go after a coach with huge question marks about his capability, (at least I had question marks about him), instead of at least looking at the coaching staffs like at FAU where you have guys like Howard Schnellenberger, Gary Nord and Johnny Frost who would have been a GREAT fit for UL, and guys who have galvanized the fan base instead of fracturing it?

I know that UL is looking for a DC and Frost is not anywhere close to being capable of taking over a position like that, but what about getting one of the best LB's the University of Louisville has ever had, back here to coach a DL or a LB corps that was pretty weak under the current position coaching staff?

In retrospect, TJ has made some great "temporary" hires for UL football, but has he really made the RIGHT hires? I love John L Smith, he is a great guy, and a good HC, Petrino is, and was, a phenominal offensive mind, but during their tenures not ONCE did UL look to "promote from within" or look to "groom" future asst coach's by bringing in guys who have close ties to not only the university but also the community.

I am just getting more and more confused why the ONLY coach'es UL EVER wants to talk to about positions at UL are always coach'es that have never lived, worked or coached east of the Mississippi river prior to coming to UL.

It just seems disingenuous to all of those who have given so much to the UL football program in the past to not even be considered for positions at the school and community where they gave so much.

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