Thursday, December 20, 2007

Louisville signs 8 JUCO football recruits...

'Tis the season...the season of scrambling to fix holes and find quick fixes for all of those teams sitting at home this holiday season and not running through practices and drills getting ready for their post-season bowl games.

For the first time in 10 years, UL is sitting at home this season, even though the did reach .500 with a 6-6 record to become bowl eligible. But based on the team play this season, it would have been a perverse sense of justice if UL had gone to a bowl game.

Instead, Kragthorpe and remaining coaches have been scrambling to sign as many JUCO players as they can to fill some holes, to hopefully get UL back to a bowl game next season.

To be sure, UL has found numbers in the JUCO ranks, which they believe will help next season. But the truth is, JUCO transfers are at best a 50-50 shot at being impact players, and even less of a chance of being impact players their first eligible season.

Oh, I have no problem with UL getting JUCO's. UL has a very good history with them. No, I just prefer to err on the side of caution, rather than put the moniker of "UL IS BACK" on the team just yet.

But since it is the holiday season, let me put my wishes to song, in the spirit of the holiday season:

Oh come all UL faithful, hopeful but regretful, oh come ye, oh come ye to JUCO relief!
Come and be thankful, thankful for signing some talent.
Talent that will help us, talent that will help us, talent that will help us...
or so we think!

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